Unit: 29th T.A.C. Ninth Air Force.
Source: 1st Lt. R. L. Brubaker, Air-Ground Cooperation attached to 8th Armd Division.
Interviewer: Capt. Joseph Vasta.
Comments: Extractions from the diary kept by Lt. Brubaker of the air activities for the division.
28 March 1945
Eight aircraft reported in at 1315 (approx). We had no available target for them. Instructed them to cover area in front of advance. Found many horse-drawn vehicles proceeding east out of Dorsten. Target was attacked and several vehicles were destroyed. Intense, accurate light flak was encountered. One Butcher, 373 Ftr Gp, 411 Squadron aircraft shot down, pilot bailed out at A535425. Aircraft left area at approximately 1400 hours.
Eight aircraft from the 406th Group were called in by this station to attack suspected German counter attack at Feldhausen (4535) and on roads south of that town. Aircraft located many vehicles and a few tanks in the area and proceeded with the attack. They bombed and strafed, accounting for several vehicles and firing the town of Feldhausen. Aircraft reported in at 1415 (approximately) and out at 1445.
Eight aircraft from the 373 Ftr Gp Geysong (410th Squadron) attacked Feldhausen and claimed more vehicles in addition to those claimed by the 406th. They encountered intense accurate light flak.
30 March
Geysong (410th Squadron) of 373 Ftr Gp reported in at 1150 and attacked town at 5435. Three to five buildings were fired. No other results observed. Small marshalling yard was also attacked. NRO. Turmoil (412th Squadon) of 373 Ftr Gp reported in at 1325 with Jenny (CCA) at 5539 setting fire to several buildings believed to contain munitions or gasoline. Intense light flak encountered. Checked out at 1247.
Rosco (513th Squadron) of 406th Ftr Gp reported in at 1400 and strafed woods at 5341. NRO. General Purpose bombs were dropped as well as frags. Check out at 1500.
Dasher (512th Squadron) of 406th Ftr Gp reported in at 1430 and dive-bombed and strafed woods at 5433. NRO. Checked out at 1515.
31 March 45
Turmoil (412th Squadron) of 373 Ftr Gp checked in at 1525. Enemy A/C reported in the area. Turmoil was given target at 1545. Attacked tanks at 5935. Three tanks destroyed and MT's attacked. NRO. Checked out at 1625.
Fairdawn (514th Squadron) of 406th Ftr Gp checked in at 1610 and given specific target at 1630. Destroyed five vehicles and one searchlight installation. Checked out at 1655.
Geysong (410th Squadon, 373 Ftr Gp) checked in at 1717. Attacked targets at 5936. NRO. Roscoe (513th Squadron, 406th Ftr Gp) checked in at 1725. Targets in area of 5935 were attacked. Results not observed. One pilot hit by flak apparently personal injuries sustained. Instense accurate light flak. Check out at 1827.
7 April 45
Browning (511th Sq, 405th Ftr Gp) checked in at 1015 and given targets between Neheim 1617 and Arnsberg 2311. Two tanks destroyed and woods strafed north of river. Tanks destroyed were east of Neheim. Very little activity abserved.
9 April 45
Jampip (510 Sqdn, 405th Ftr Gp) checked in at 1705 and relayed to CCR and given target. At 1720 attacked targets in woods southeast of Wickede at 1725. NRO. Dive-bombed and strafed three column of German vehicles of approximately 15 vehicles each, destroying same. Checked out at 1800.
10 April 45
Dasher (512 Sq, 406 Ftr Gp) checked in at 1143 and given target by Brandy (CCB). Bombed (36 General Purpose bombs) main part of Unna, then contacted Grayling (CCR) at 1210 and made strafing attacks on town of Frondenberg and also strafed south of Menden but were driven off by intense flak. Dasher checked out at 1230.
Roscoe (513 Sq, 406 Ftr Gp) checked in at 1513 and received target at B0219 north of town. Intense accurate flak encountered. Bombed town and started some fires, then strafed woods in immediate vic. NRO. Checked out at 1400.
Dasher (512th Sq, 406th Ftr Gp) checked in at 1948 with this controller and relayed to Brandy (CCB) who had them dive-bomb Unna and vicinity. Eight 500 lb General Purpose bombs in main portion of town. Eight Napalm bombs (five bombs) were also dropped and many fires thus started. No troop activity observed. Moderate accurate flak (20mm) encountered south of the town. Dasher checked out at 2030.
11 April 45
Jampip (510 Sq, 405th Ftr Gp) reported in at 1030 and worked jointly with CCA and this controller. 11 tanks were either destroyed or seriously damaged, eight to twelve motor vehicles destroyed and one ammo dump destroyed. Action took place southeast of Unna. Jampip white (4th flight) leader was hit seriously by light flak and forced to bail out seven kilometers west of our advanced positions. Jampip checked out at 1100.
Schooner (509th Sq, 405th Ftr Gp) reported in at 1150. 8 Armd Div had no suitable targets so XVI Corps vectored them to 9508 for bombing. Spotted 12 tanks north of river but believed them ours. Strafed three trucks south of Menden. Destroyed one, damaged two. Checked out at 1250.
1st Lt., AC
Air-Gnd Coop Officer
23 April 1945
Following call signs in effect 1-7 May Inclusive:
8 AD Bonding
CCA Booty
CCB Well-Fed
CCR Razorblade
88 Cav Rcn Sq (Mecz) Bonding-Able
XIX Corps Dive Quick
XVI Corps Hopcraft
F/B call signs are unchanged. "A" channel on our VHF set is the same as "A" channel of 373 Ftr Gp. "B" channel on our VHF set is the same as "A" channel on 366 Ftr Gp.
All Ftr Gps will contact us on "D" channel - then in case of the above two Gps, we can switch to their "A" channel and work out mission with minimum radio interference.
366 Ftr Gp RUPERT
390 Sqdn RELIC
391 Sqdn FOXHUNT
370 Ftr Gp COWSLIP
401 Sqdn ZEBO
402 Sqdn LEAKAGE
485 Sqdn ZENITH
373 Ftr Gp BLOTTO
410 Sqdn GEYSONG
411 Sqdn BUTCHER
412 Sqdn TURMOIL
405 Ftr Gp GARDEN
510 Sqdn JAMPIP
406 Ftr Gp DINETTE
512 Sqdn DASHER
513 Sqdn ROSCOE
R. L. BRUBAKER, 0-767105
1st Lt., AC
Air-Gnd Coop Officer