After Action Reports and Interviews
7th Armd. Inf. Bn. - S-3 Report - Feb 1945
| CMD Feb | AAR index |

8th Armd Div
APO 258, U. S. ARMY

0001 1 Feb 45 to 2400 28 Feb 45

Time   Incidents, Messages, Orders, etc.Action taken
  1 Feb 45
0001 Battalion billeted at Mailly, France.
1400 98 Replacements received.
1500 Battalion alerted to move on six hours notice.
1550 All companies alerted to move on three hours notice,
1730 Billeting NCO's report to Battalion Headquarters.
March Order by C. O. to all companies.
Msg: Division moves north to vic Maastrich, 1 Feb 45.
2300 Billeting Party meets CCA at east end Pont-a-Mousson bridge.
  2 Feb 45
0830 Operations Instructions, 1 Feb 45, received from CCA. Tentative 'H' Hr: 2020, IP: Pigny.
1217 Changes 1 and 2 received to Operations Instructions, 1 Feb 45.
2020 Battalion leaves Mailly.
1940 First unit hits IP.
2050 Battalion clears.
  3 Feb 45
0630 Column halts for refueling.
0800 Column moves out.
1600 Column halts for refueling.
1800 Column moves out.
Battalion closes vic Gulpen, Holland.
Battalion Headquarters at Carthile.
4 Feb 45
Battalion billeted vic Gulpen, Holland - performing maintenance.
5 Feb 45
Battalion billeted vic Gulpen, Holland - performing maintenance.
6 Feb 45
Battalion billeted vic Gulpen, Holland - performing maintenance.

7 Feb 45
Battalion billeted vic Gulpen, Holland - performing maintenance.
Reconnaissance Platoon sent out on road reconnaisance to vic Geilenkirchen

8 Feb 45
Battalion billeted vic Gulpen, Holland - performing maintenance.
78 Replacements received. Road reconnaissance continued.
9 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.
10 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.
11 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.
12 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.
13 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.
14 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.
15 Feb 45
No change. Road reconnaissance continued. Weapons test fired.

16 Feb 45
Billeted vic Gulpen, Holland.
Assault of fortified area training for all. Road reconnaissance continued.
17 Feb 45
Assault of fortified area training for all. Road reconnaissance continued.
18 Feb 45
Assault of fortified area training for all. Road reconnaissance continued.
Battalion alerted to move on six hours notice.

19 Feb 45
Billeted vic Gulpen, Holland
Operations Instructions, 19 Feb 45, received from CCA as of 1545
Verbal instructions from Ln. O.: Move to be delayed 24 hours.
20 Feb 45
No change.

21 Feb 45
Battalion moves to Echt, Holland, per Operations Instructions and Annexes.
Battalion closes Echt.
22 Feb 45
No change - Bn billeted vic Echt, Holland performing maint.
23 Feb 45
No change - Bn billeted vic Echt, Holland performing maint.
24 Feb 45
No change - Bn billeted vic Echt, Holland performing maint.
  25 Feb 45
1430 (Billeted at Echt) Per verbal order:
Battalion detached from CCA and atch to CCR - Ordered to move to vic Montfort, Holland.
1600 Battalion moves vic Montfort, Holland.
1730 Battalion closes. Co. 'A' & 81mm Mortar pltn detached fr 7th AIB and atchd to Task Force Muncie. These units moved to Linne, Holland
26 Feb 45
Battalion vic Montfort, Holland. Bn is CCR reserve.
  27 Feb 45
0945 Battalion detached from CCR and atchd to CCA. Alerted to move to Echt.
1000 Battalion moves to Echt.
1130 Battalion closes Echt.
1300 Verbal Order CG, CCA received to move via Sittard-Gangelt-Gielenkirchen to Hilfarth.
  (See Operations Instr No. 14)
1305 Verbal March Order transmitted to Companies.
1355 Battalion moves out of Echt.
1515 Battalion passes through Gangelt.
1600 Battalion halted between Gielenkirchen and Randerath while CCA reorganized as advance guard.
1745 Co. 'B' 7th AIB atchd to Task Force Crittendon.
2200 Bn. reaches Hilfarth.
  28 Feb 45
1000 Battalion reaches Schwanenberg.
1810 Battalion leaves Schwanenberg.
2100 Battalion reaches Wegberg.
2300 CO 7th issues march order for move from Wegberg north.