(Uslar, Germany,June 1st, 1945)
During our stay in Uslar, the boys occasionally imbibed in their favorite beverage, 'White Lighting'. Such a victim of this 'varnish remover' was Pfc. William (Whee!) Rich.
One night, coming in under the effects of this 'precious fluid', Rich espied the foot-lockers which each man of the company had, and like Don Quixote of old Rich let out a whoop
and started to attack the 'enemy'. Standing nearby was Pfc. Jacques Strachman who had Some sort of glassware in his foot locker as a souvenir. Jacques, himself, a little under the weather, grabbed Rich and in a pleading, tender voice yiped, ;Rich, don't do it. Rich, don't hit the foot locker. Rich, hit me, hit me for God's sake, DON'T HIT THAT FOOT LOCKER !;