History - 49th A.I.B. - Company 'C'
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(Pages 79-81)     

(Uslar, Germany, June 4th, 1945)

A certain young soldier, whom we prefer not to mention, was guarding the swimming pool at Uslar on a particularly hot day near the end of our stay there. During the preceding days the water had been very cold but on this day the water was unbearably inviting. All day our hero eyed the pool wistfully. He smiled as he imagined the gentle waves simmering in the torrid sun to be the graceful figure of an Arabian Princess dancing for him. 'No harm will be done', he

thought, 'if I try this swell new diving board for spring.' Setting his rifle down he walked to the end of the board. "My gosh" he thought, 'what spring'. The next thought occurred to him in the bottom of the pool. He swam like madto reach the surface, gasped for a breath of air, crawled out of the pool and nodded to the laughing civilians. He turned around and picked his sinking helmet liner out of the pool. Later as he was dumping the water out of his boots he gave a grin of satisfaction. . . .realizing that he was the only one to swim that hot day.

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(Uslar, Germany,June 1st, 1945)

During our stay in Uslar, the boys occasionally imbibed in their favorite beverage, 'White Lighting'. Such a victim of this 'varnish remover' was Pfc. William (Whee!) Rich.

One night, coming in under the effects of this 'precious fluid', Rich espied the foot-lockers which each man of the company had, and like Don Quixote of old Rich let out a whoop

and started to attack the 'enemy'. Standing nearby was Pfc. Jacques Strachman who had Some sort of glassware in his foot locker as a souvenir. Jacques, himself, a little under the weather, grabbed Rich and in a pleading, tender voice yiped, ;Rich, don't do it. Rich, don't hit the foot locker. Rich, hit me, hit me for God's sake, DON'T HIT THAT FOOT LOCKER !;

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O U T   O F   P L A C E

A prospective young cartoonist confronted one of the members of our staff with a cartoon. "How do you like it?" he ventured to ask. Answered by a totally blank expression the young hopeful said "What's the matter? Don't you think the truth is funny" Still puzzled the staff member handed the cartoon to another member. He scrutinized the cartoon

which depicted a Tech Sgt. receiving a bronze star for meritorious achievement in performance of duty -- here listed as turning in morning reports etc. The staff member obviously disturbed said that anyone was eligible for the star. Not to be outdone the 'cartoonist' said 'You are eligible, then why didn't you get it'. 'I did' said the staff-man. The young hopeful forced a smile and turned several different colors as we walked away.

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