APO 258 U. S. ARMY
30 May 1945
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of Meritorious Service Unit Plaque.
TO:COMMANDING GENERAL, 8th Armored Division, A. P. O. 258,
U. S. Army.
1. It is recommended that the Meritorious Service Unit Plaque be awarded Service Company, 49th Armored Infantry Battalion, for superior performance of exceptionally difficult tasks while the battalion was engaged with the enemy during the period Of 21 February 1945 and 22 April 1945.
2. During this period, in spite of lengthy, dangerous supply lines, this company rendered invaluable aid in the accomplishment of the battalion mission by maintaining a smooth flow of ammunition. fuel, rations and evacuation, at all times. The mobility of an armored unit is very dependent on an extremely efficient Service Company which is able to maintain supply lines in spite of fast moving situations. At no time were the combat elements of this battalion forced to weaken their offence due to lack of fuel, ammunition. or rations, as they were always on hand when needed. This required around the clock labor on the part of many members of this service company which is composed of only 75 enlisted men and 6 officers. At no time did they complain or let down on their very high standard of discipline.
3. On several occasions, the maintenance section of this company suffered casualties, due to the fact that they were invariably evacuating crippled vehicles under heavy enemy fire, repairing them under difficult conditions, or obtaining replacements with such speed, that the combat elements hardly noticed the losses.
4. The fuel and lube section continually maintained a sufficient quantity of fuel to insure that no vehicles were forced to fallout of the frequent long, fast moves, due to lack of fuel. On numerous occasions, it was found necessary to bring fuel right up to front line companies, requiring the minimum amount of noise and confusion.
5. The Personnel Section, in spite of the frequent moves of Rear Echelon, and no supervision, managed to maintain
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a superior set of records as is attested by the division Inspector General and Adjutant General.
6. The company headquarters of this unit also maintained a mod1fied rest center when combat conditions became long and arduous and many men. Instead of being evacuated with combat fatigue were caught in time and sent back to Service Company, where hot meals, hot baths and a good sleep in a bed were highly instrumental in cutting down the number of combat fatigue cases to an absolute minimum.
7. The untiring efforts, professional skill, gallantry and determination displayed in overcoming unusually diffiou1t conditions encountered by service units of this type were characteristic of the manner with which this unit has repeatedly and sucoessfu11y oomp1eted them.
8. Service Company, 49th Armored Infantry Battalion, performed its duty in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service.
Lt. Col. 49th Armd. Inf. Bn.
Incl: - 4:
1. Statements of company commanders.
2. Statistical information.
3. Letters of commendation.
4. Affidavits which supported recommendations for awards for section commanders.
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