Co 'C', 18th Tank Bn Crews, Oct 44
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Compiled from emails received from the son of Lt. T. M. Wilson, A-18 and C-18

Lt. T. M. Wilson served in both A and C Company of 18Tk Bn. Some of his war mail was addressed to 58th AIB. I was hoping there might be someone who remembered. He was hospitalized for several months and returned to duty in 508 MP Bn until March 1947. He is a retired cattle rancher, pilot, banker, heartbreaker, living in Tucson

I have discovered his officer's notebook which contains some info that may help fill in the blanks for some families out there. Names, rank, towns, tank nicknames or call signs, locations of where soldiers where wounded or killed.Its is written in his shorthand,which I find hard to believe, but his hand writing was even worse then than now. If this info could be of some use, I would be honored to provide anything I could decipher.

18th Tank Bn, 'C' Co., 1st Platoon
Tank No.Crew
#1 Ford 76mm Narrow 411 "Woodrow"
Lt. T. M. Wilson, Plat. Cmdr, LWA Welman - 6 Apr 45
T/5 Franklin, Loader
Pfc. Ray Camden, Bog
Pfc. Perry "Crow" Morris, KIA - Meneck
T/4 George Cumpton, Driver, LWA - 2 Apr 45
Cpl. Dohner, Driver
#2 Ford 75mm Narrow 412 "Leon"
Sgt. O'Keefe, Cmdr,
Cpl. Clark, Gunner
T/5 Huber, Loader
Pvt. Figlestahler, Bog
T/5 Shandy, Driver
#3 Ford 413 "Beans"
Sgt. Benes, Cmdr
Pfc. J. Castagnola, Gunner
Pfc. Angel, Driver, wounded; Eger
Pvt. Samuel Culp, Loader
#4 Ford 76mm Narrow 414 "Pot"
S/Sgt. Chambers, Cmdr, LWA Polsum - 2 Apr 45
T/4 Hanges, Driver
Cpl. Robert Sloyer, Gunner
Pvt. Ed Gunney, Loader
Pvt. Hiser, Bog
#5 Ford 76mm Wide 415 "Bruno"
Cpl. Ray Brunet, Cmdr
T/5 Ramsey, Driver
Cpl. Herb Aselage, Gunner, KIA Harz Mtns 18 Apr 45
18th Tank Bn, 'C' Co., 2nd Platoon
Tank No.Crew
#6 76mm Ford 221 "Tim"
Lt. T. M. Wilson, Cmdr
Cpl. Carl Nelson, Gunner
Pvt. Geo. Connors, Loader
Pvt. Charles Humphreys, Bog
T/4 Tom Solt, Driver
#7 75mm Ford 224 "Chuch"
Sgt. Geo. Labasik, Cmdr
Cpl. Howard Eddins, Gunner
Joseph B. Seyller, Loader Pvt. Dominic Luongo, Bog Gunner
T/5 Joseph R. Colville, Driver
#8 75mm Ford 223
Sgt. Clyde Cox, Cmdr
Cpl. Sidney Bishop, Gunner
Pvt. Elmer Englehorn, Loader
Pfc. Lewis Bledsoe, Bog
T/4 "Whitey" Nelson, Driver L.W.A. - Tetelrath - 28 Feb 45
#9 76mm Radial 222
S/Sgt. John Powers, Cmdr
Cpl. Jack Gragert, Gunner
Pvt. Jack Maxwell, Loader
Pvt. Kenneth Lentz, Bog
T/4 Geo. Lenotte, Driver
#10 75mm Ford 225 "Barroom"
Sgt. Geo. Culver, Cmdr
Cpl. Bill Kennedy, Gunner
Pvt. Frank Covello, Loader
Pfc. Dewey Thomas, Bog
T/5 Harry Rocholz, Driver
On this page was mention of promotion of Luongo and Lentz to Pfc.
More personnel on separate page;
(as of 2/28/45)
75mm Ford "Bittersweet"
Sgt. Floyd T. 'Bugs' Pearson, wounded
Cpl. John Bange, Gun, KIA - Tetelrath
Pfc. Richard Franz, Loader, wounded
Pfc. Lewis Bledsoe, Bog Gunner
T/4 "Whitey" Nelson, Driver, wounded - Tetelrath - 2/28/45
Cpl. Kennedy, KIA 28 Mar 45
Pvt. Frank H. Covello, KIA - 28 Mar 45

There is passing mention of over-running concentration camps, phrases in German and French, and a lot of towns, unit assignments, and other military shorthand which I am unable to decipher. I'll keep working on his notes if you feel it is of some use.

With great respect, Ted D. Wilson (son)

Note: There are considerable differences between the crews on this list and on the list of tank crews just prior to going overseas in Oct 1944. This list contains men from both companies 'A' and 'C'. (OET)