Email from Viktor Bedrnicek, Babylon, Czech
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(The following is a message received concerning our stay in Czechokslavia.)

From: Viktor Bedrnicek


Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read this. My name is Viktor Bedrnicek and I am from the Czech Republic. First of all I would like to apologize to you for my mistakes in English. I am still learning. I do not know how to start writing. My great-grandfather established his own hotel before WWII. The hotel is called "Bedrnicek" and it is located in the village of Babylon (it is near the German border and about 70 kilometers from Pilsen). My grandma gave me a folder with the documents not long ago. The documents are dated back to the end of war. I found out from these documents that 8th Armored Division Rest Center was established in Babylon at the end of war and great-grandpa's hotel was being used for the accommodation of US Army troops. The hotel was being operated for the use of the 8th Armored Division from July 2, 1945 to September 7, 1945 and for the use of the 94th Infantry Division from October 26, 1945 to November 25, 1945.

I searched the rosters on your web site for the names written in the documents, but I could not find none of them. (I wrote out the names below) What is the reason for not filing the names on rosters? I would like to know some information about these names - Is it possible to contact them or their relatives? Does anybody remember anything from the time spent in Babylon? Was the 8th AD Rest Center Babylon directly under command of 8th AD? Is there any available info about the 8th AD Rest Center Babylon? If you are interested in, I will scan the documents and I will send them you next time.

I have also the "barracks sack" - I am not sure I wrote it correct in English but it is said this way in our country. I mean -sack- for soldier's personal things. There is the name and the serial number written on: ANGELO C. NOLA, #32860605. I do not know exactly what unit he served in. Probably 8th AD or 94th ID. My grandpa only knew who he got this sack from, but unfortunately he passed away four year ago. What way can I find out any details about Angelo C. Nola? Could you point me to another sources?

If you do not understand anything, I will try to explain it to you again. I hope I did not bother you.

Thank you for your time and help.

Sincerely, Viktor Bedrnicek (picture)


398th Armored Field Artillery Bn.: (Copy of the Pass) Cpl. William M. Kaecher, 33668335
Cpl. Daniel R. Quirke, 32807019
T/5 Richard E. Pavlinsky, 35053953
T/5 Norris Aldrich, 32947726
T/5 Lester Rice, 33565251
T/5 William G. Cassell, 32766656
T/5 Angelo P. Lecce, 32807086
Pfc Albert Baker, 36751236
Pvt William E. McKay, 32807050
Pfc Andrew Karschmidt, 32803314
-- the document is signed by 1st Lt John E. Chandley, 398th A.F.A.Bn., S.S.O.
(What does abbreviation "S.S.O." mean?)

36th Tank Bn.: (Copy of the Pass) Pfc Larry W. Shelmerdine, 39931726
T/4 Lemer S. Gilchrist, 34394676
Sgt John H. Burns, 32852706
T/4 William J. Aberer, 32572862
Sgt John J. Murphy, 35344502
Pfc Abraham Malach, 36913943
Pfc William M. Moles, 35736377
Pfc Bennie Bradford, 34900805
T/5 Lloyd N. Back, 35621843
Sgt George J. McNally, 33471105
Cpl Cecil C. McCarty, 35671898
--the document is signed by Capt Roger E. Joseph, Infantry, Adjutant.

-- another document is signed by Maj L. D. Word, Infantry
(Armd), S-4 (What does "S-4" mean?)

-- another is signed by 1st Lt George A. Runkle, Cavalry (Armd), Communication Officer

-- the next one is signed by Maj Donnald Randell, Commander 8th Armored Division Rest Center Babylon Czechoslovakia

A sample Rest Area ID was also included.