Bronze Star Award
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WWII Combat Infantry & Combat Medical Badge Holders

CIB     Eligible for Bronze Star Medal     Combat Medic Badge

Here is an item of interest to WWII combat infantrymen and combat medics concerning awarding of the Bronze Star Medal.

After General Omar Bradley became Chief of Staff of the U. S. Army, he announced that he felt combat infantrymen and medics of WWII deserved something more than a 'well done'. Army regulations were changed so that combat infantrymen and medics from World War II who had been awarded the Combat Infantry Badge or Combat Medic Badge between Dec. 7, 1941 and Sept. 3, 1945 were also eligible for the Bronze Star award.

If you qualify, send your request to:
  National Personnel Records GSA (Army),
  9700 Page Blvd.,
  St. Louis, MO 63132.

You might mention in your request that the authority for the award is Change 13 to AR 600-45, Department of the Army, 4 November 1947. For more particulars check requirements for a Bronze Star award, sect. 3-13, para. d, (2). You too can still be a (young?) hero.

The award only applies to infantrymen and medics from the World War II era. The regulations for awarding the Combat Infantry Badge were changed after WWII so later servicemen do not qualify.

The Bronze Star

Bronze Star

Established by order of the President on 04 FEB 1944, awarded to personnel of the US Armed Forces, who on or after 07 DEC 1941, distinguished themselves:

"For Heroic or Meritorious Achievement of Service, not involving aerial flight, in connection with Operations Against an Opposing Armed Force."

Special Circumstances for WW II Combat Veterans:

AR 600-8-22, Chapter 3, Section 13. Bronze Star Medal
d. (2) "Award may be made by letter application to  

9700 Page Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200
(enclosing documentary evidence, if possible), to each member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, after 6 December 1941, has been cited in orders or awarded a certificate for exemplary conduct in ground combat against an armed enemy between 7 December 1941 and 2 September 1945, inclusive, or whose meritorious achievement has been other wise confirmed by documents executed prior to 1 July 1947.  For this purpose, an award of the Combat Infantryman's Badge or Combat Medical Badge is considered as a citation in orders.  ..."

Bronze "V" device worn to denote Valor/Heroism.
Second and subsequent awards are denoted by bronze Oak Leaf Clusters;
a silver Oak Leaf Cluster is worn in lieu of five bronze.
  Designed by Bailey, Banks, and Biddle