Soldier Photo Albums
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This index contains links to photo albums of individual soldiers of various units of the 8th Armored Division. They were scanned in the order they were contained in the photo albums and captioned with any notes available on the front or back of the photographs.

Album Description Period
7-C, Collection of T5 Thomas Lees, courtesy of son Gregg Lees Photo Album (10 Album Pages, about 50 Pictures) Europe
8-HQ, Collection of Lt. Col. Sam Russ 8th HQ AG Photo Album (50 Pictures) Stateside and Europe
36-HQ Collection of unknown woman landlord in Chrast, Czech. Images found with list of soldiers billeted in the woman's home. Courtesy of Marcel Beran Photo Album, Czechoslovakia (10 Pictures) 1945
36-C, Collection of Sgt Lloyd Kennedy, courtesy of Darlene Orlowski, daughter. Photo Album Stateside, Europe and Occuption (101 Pictures) 1944 - 1946
36-D, Collection of Pfc. Harry J. Weldele, courtesy of Chuck Weldele, son. Photo Album Europe (5 Pictures) 1945
36-D, Collection of comparison photos of 2nd Lt. Harold Gordon, courtesy of Charles Gordon, son. Photo Album Return from Europe (27 Pictures) 1945
49-HqC, Collection of Sgt. John Dauphinais Photo Album Germany, many tanks (10 Pictures) 1945 - 1946
49-A, Collection of Pfc Herbert Cantor Photo Album Germany, Czech (28 Pictures) 1945 - 1946
53-B, Collection of T/5 Theodore Bedore, courtesy of William Bedore, son. Photo Album Germany, Czechoslovakia and Return from Europe (55 Pictures) 1945 - 1946
58-Hq, Collection of Cpl George Kulaga, courtesy of Jacob Miller, grandson. Photo Album Stateside, England, Germany, and Czechoslovakia (125 Pictures) 1944 - 1946
58-HqC, Collection of Pfc William Rondello. Photo Album Stateside, Germany, and Czechoslovakia (9 Pictures) 1944 - 1945
80-C, Collection of Sgt. Felix Miller, courtesy of Bryan Miller, son. Photo Album Europe (135 Pictures) 1944 - 1945
80-D, Collection of T/5 Arthur Robinson, courtesy of Rob Robinson, son. Photo Album Europe (18 Pictures) Europe and Occupation 1944 - 1945
88-B, Collection of T/4 Reynold Reber, courtesy of Miki Kirelawich, grand-daughter. Photo Album Europe (134 Pictures) Europe and Occupation
88-F, Collection of Sgt. George Butts, courtesy of Leslie Butts Telhorster, daughter. Photo Album Europe (201 Pictures) Stateside, Europe and Occupation
130-Hq, Collection of T/5 Vernon E. Miller, courtesy of Rick Miller, son. Photo Album Europe (18 Pictures) 1945 - 1946
130-C Collection of S/Sgt Dan Garside Photo Album Stateside and Europe (108 Pictures) 1944 - 1946
148-Signal Collection of Pfc John Gallagher Photo Album Europe (10 Pictures) 1944 - 1946
398-HQ Collection of T/4 Paul Soderholm, courtesy of Paula Basar, daughter. Photo Album Stateside, Europe and Occuption (116 Pictures) 1944 - 1946
405-HQ Collection of Lt. Elwin Brown Photo Album Stateside and Europe (17 Pictures) 1944 - 1945
405-HQ Collection of Unknown Soldier "Yours Truly" courtesy Jirka Frybert Photo Album Germany and Czechoslovakia (40 Pictures) 1945
Not Used Not Used (0 Pictures) 1944 - 1945


The pictures are from photo albums of individual soldiers which have been obtained by the Assn. In these cases, given the albums may contain 100 or more images, rather than caption them individually and place them in the Company Pictures section of the website, we have included them in their totality here.

The quality is not as good as could be expected because the pictures are over 60 years old and the copying and editing could not improve them much. The documents may be hard to read in the format in which they are presented.

We have used the Photo.Google photo sharing system to display the photos. Clicking on the link will open a new page on your device. Once you are in Photo.Google, you can click on any image and it will start a slide show. There are arrows on the right and left if you hover your curser in that area. When you are done viewing the images, close the tab and 8th Armored website should still be open on your device. 24 Feb 2020