Special Order #4
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Rank Last Name First Name To Unit   Rank Last Name First Name To Unit
Cpl Babbit Burton M. unk T/5 McCall John F., Jr. unk 399
Pfc Barta Edward J. 88-D Pvt McCarthy Thomas J. unk
Pvt Bartolomoi Joseph T. unk Pvt McDonald Gerald N. unk
T/5 Bohlmann Herman F. 58-A Pvt McElroy Robert E. unk
Pvt Bremer Eugene F. unk Pfc Medlon William F. unk
Pfc Broome Robert C. Med-58 Pvt Montgomery William unk
S/Sgt Burns J. W. 58-C Sgt Morris Jack B. unk
Cpl Byrket Richard E. 7-Hq Cpl Myers Jay D. unk
Pvt Cameron Jack A. unk S/Sgt Neely Richard B. unk
T/4 Canto Joseph 18-Svc Sgt Nyberg Donald W. unk
Pvt Caprood Harold B. unk Pfc Ostrye James H. unk
Pfc Carr John, Jr. 7-Hq Cpl Papenhaus Loon E. unk
T/5 Chernick Norman M. 88-Hq Pfc Pate John F. 7-Hq
Pfc Clark Charles C. unk Cpl Perkins Jamie D. unk
Pvt Clune Harry D. unk Cpl Plummer James H. unk
Cpl Clyons John Div Hq Pvt Polivy Irwin unk
Sgt Cochran James H. 36-Svc Pvt Porter Ross J. unk
Pfc Conlee Ewell K. unk Cpl Puck Alfred W. 399-Hq
Pvt Cook John L., Jr, unk Pfc Quinn Charles F. 58-A
Pfc Corley Ernest L., Jr. 7-C Pvt Radke Walter 7-B
Sgt Crane William B. 7-B Sgt Ray Theodore A. unk
Sgt Curran William E. unk Pfc Reed John E. 7-A
Pfc Cuteri Rocco 58-C Pfc Reiff Richard C. 58-C
T/4 Daley Marston E. 18-Svc Sgt Roderick Clayton J. unk
Pfc Davis Charles F. 7-B Pvt Roetter Richard A. 58-B
T/5 DeFazi William J. unk Pfc Rondello William R. 58-Hq
Pfc Dennis George 88-A Pvt Rondello William R. Div Hq
Sgt Depauw Raymond J. unk Pvt Rose Stanley R. unk
Pvt Domingue Aaron P. unk Pvt Rosenstock Maurice unk
Pfc Douglas Robert W. unk Pvt Ross John R. unk
Sgt Dunfrund Lewis H. unk Sgt Scholtz Carl L. unk
Cpl Dzenko Edward 7-Hq T/5 Schultz Clarence R. 18-Svc
S/Sgt Eadie Lloyd D. unk Pfc Scott Phillip T. 7-A
T/5 Eberhardt Charles E. 88-F Capt Shaw Robert W. 36-A
Pvt Economidis Pete G. unk Pvt Sheade Joseph W. unk
Cpl Elcan William B. 88-D Pvt Simrell Raymond, Jr. unk
Pvt Foland Rex J. unk Pfc Slaton John C. 7-B
Pfc Forshee Kenneth R. unk Pvt Smithson Thomas T. unk
Pvt Fox Thomas E. unk M/Sgt Smock Everett E. 58-Hq
Pvt Greenblatt Sam unk Sgt Snow Hugh S. 7-A
Sgt Grunig Garland G. unk Pfc Snyder William S. 7-A
Pvt Guenther Robert C. unk Pfc Stadelmeier Frederick C. 7-C
Pfc Guthrie Roy L. 88-E Pvt Steeves Douglas W. unk
Sgt Hanlin Charles A. 78-C Pfc Sulkey Kenneth S. unk
Pvt Hash Lemuel J. unk Cpl Swartzfoger Donald E. unk
S/Sgt Hlavacek Richard J, unk Pfc Tansey William unk
Pfc Hollis Lester G. 58-C Cpl Thois Jacob L. unk
Pfc Huebner Wayne V. 58-A Pfc Trimble Joe Lee, Jr. 58-A
Pvt Imlay Lorin E. unk Cpl Truax Watson A. 58-A
T/4 Johnson Eric C. 398-Hq Pvt Turnbach Joseph D. unk
Pvt Johnson Norris A. unk Pfc Twigg Brooks E. 399-Hq
Cpl Juhl Fred W. 18-A Cpl Umerski Leonard 88-F
Pfc Kemper John D. 88-C Pfc Updike Clarence E. unk
Pvt Kenefick Robert M. unk Pvt Walker Walter L. unk
Pvt Klorman Sol S. unk T/Sgt Walsh William D. unk
Sgt Kyle Robert H. 7-Hq S/Sgt Washburn Harvey C. unk
Pvt Lacey John A. unk Pvt Waskosky Lewis A. unk
Cpl Lester Larry G. unk Pfc Weinberg Robert D. unk
Pvt Letteris Jack unk Pvt Weisburn Marvin unk
Pvt Levene Martin unk Pvt Welkoff William J. unk
Pfc Levin Leo J. Med-7 Pfc Wetmore Robert E. unk
Pfc Litton Carl W. unk Cpl Wheeler John B. unk
Pvt Lowin Batie L. unk Pvt Wiederhold Robert G. unk
Pvt Luckfield Harold L. 7-A T/5 Wilkes James R. 18-Svc
Pfc Luttenton Russell R. 88-B Pvt Williams Jackson L. unk
Pfc Maize Robert F. unk Pvt Winter Calvin G. unk
Pvt Malletto William T., Jr. unk Sgt Yacks Duffield W., Jr. unk
S/Sgt Marquardt Walter L. unk Pfc Yosner Farrel unk
1st/Sgt McArthur Carl T. unk Pfc Young Charles R. unk
T/5 Young Vincent E. unk

This is a roster of the men who were transferred from the U. S. Army Air Corps, San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center to the 8th Armored Division, as listed on Special Order # 4, dated 4 May 1944. If you have any questions, additions and/or corrections, please send an email to O. E. Taylor, C-58, who is attempting to reconstruct the lists.