After Action Reports and Interviews
58th A.I.B. - S-3 Report - February 1945
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8th Armd Div
APO 258, U. S. ARMY

PERIOD 010001 February, 1945 to 282400 February, 1945

1.   Front Lines at End of Period:
        Does not apply.

2.   Locations of Troops:
        See Incl. No. 1.

3.   Information of Adjacent Units and Supporting Troops:
        See comments 19 February, 1945

4.   Operations for the Period:

1 Feb

Bn at Eply, France

2 Feb

At 1440 Battalion received Operational Instructions accompanied by overlay of route of march to vicinity Maastricht, Holland. Company Commanders were assembled at 1630 and issued MO 1. (See Annex B)

3-4 Feb

Battalion departed Eply, France with B Co leading the serial. B Co. passed the IP at 0335. After travelling all day 3 Feb, battalion arrived Cadier-En-Keer, Holland 0440 covering a distance of 206.9 miles.

5-17 Feb

Bn remained at Cadier-En-Keer during this period and followed a daily training schedule.

18 Feb

Verbal orders were issued at 1900 at CCR for Battalion as part of CCR to move to vicinity Montfort, Holland. Company Commanders assembeled at 2245 at which time S-3 issued a verbal order for movement 19 February, 1945.

19 Feb

Battalion departed Cadier-EnKeer, Holland 0740. A Co leading the serial passed the IP, which was RJ at R1 and R43, at 0758. C Co. 809th Tank Destroyer Battalion and C Co. 80th Tank Battalion attached.Battalion arrived vicinity of Montfort at 1010 and took over prepared positions and relieved the British 46th Commando Brigade. A Co. took over positions at Aandenberg, B Co at Station and C Co at Linne. Hq Co and Bn CP located at Aandenberg with Service Co at Hindgen. One platoon of tanks and one platoon of TD's attached to A, B and C Cmpanies. Remainder of day devoted to planning and coordinating fire plans. Information received from 46th Brigade stated that there was very little enemy activity on this front consisting only of small scale patrolling and light harassing artillery fire.

20-21 Feb

During this period there was no change in front line position. Harassing artillery fire was exchanged with enemy and patrolling was acrive. No German patrols were observed. It was thought that enemy forces may have withdrawn and so our patrols were ordered to continue their advance until contact was gained with the enemy.

22 Feb

At 1730 Bn CO and S-3 attended conference at CC'R' and received orders to support by fire an attack by XVI Corp. At 2200 company commanders were assembled and FO 2 issued (See Annex B for FO 2) . All patrols were ordered to return by 0200 23 Feb as artillery barrage was planned to begin at 0300. Targets were assigned to all artillery weapons and positions for guns indicated on overlay accompanying order. Our Assult gun, 81mm mortar platoons plus attached tanks and tank destroyers all received firing missions. (See overlay attached to FO 2)

23 Feb

At 0300 artillery barrage started as planned and continued for 45 minutes. Following preparation, fire continued intermittently until 231000 Feb 45. Section of heavy machine guns from A, B & C Co's fired intradictory fire after daylight on suspected and known enemy targets. C Co jumped off for a limited attack on three houses immediately to front of C Co's position. just north of Linne. Attack started 1530 and by 1630 houses found to be empty and were taken with no resistance.

24 Feb

Plans were being formulated dor attack on enemy positions. Artillery fire continued to harass enemy. Patrols were dispatched with mission of estimating size of AT ditch loated North of Linne and Leerop and extending from the Maas to the Roer River. For results of patrol activities see S-2 reports.

25 Feb

At 1500 verbal message received that CC'R' would attack enemy positions morning of 26 Feb 45. Battalion immediately prepared for attack. At 1730 Bn CO and S-3 went to CCR to receive orders for attack 260600 Feb 45. Company Commanders were assembled at 2300 and verbal orders for attack were issued. Mission of attack was to clear enemy from triangle Linne-Roermond-St Odilienberg. Bn to attack with three companies on line, C Co on left, A Co or right with B Co in center. Two companies from 7th Armd Inf Bn in reserve. HMG platoon of Hq Co attached to C Co, with AG and 81mm platoons to support battalion from a position at LD. Companies to move out and cross line of departure at 0600. One platoon of tanks, one platoon of tank destroyers and one squad of engineers attached to A, B & C Co's. 405th FAB was to support the attack with a 15 minute preparation starting at 0545 and could be called on for fire as required by situation. FO's accompanied rifle company commanders.

26 Feb

At 0545 artillery barrage began and at 0600 companies crossed the LD as planned. C Co with 2nd platoon on left, 3rd platoon on right and 1st platoon in center with the AT and Hq section platoons combined held in reserve. Attached tanks and TD's remained in reserve in vicinity of line of departure. The 2nd platoon advanced rapidly for 200 yards after crossing LD. Advance was slowed down by the difficulty of crossing through concertina wire, but after this was accomplished the platoon advanced rapidly to the AT ditch. At this point they encountered some small arms fire inflicting a few casualties. A ladder 30 feet in length was brought forward and placed across the ditch for the purpose of getting the platoon across as it was thought the ditch would be heavily mined. But after investigation it was found to be free of mines and fresh tracks were observed running through the ditch. At this time platoon leader called for smoke and under cover the platoon crossed the ditch and continued their advance to the factory(755869).


By 0800 the platoon had seized the factory, killed approximately 20 Germans and had dug in on the North side of the factory and remained in that position under heavy artillery and sniper fire. In the meanwhile 1st platoon of C Co advancing on right of 2nd platoon reached the concertina wire where they were pinned down by enemy small arms fire, and driven back to LD. At this point the platoon was reorganized and placed in reserve while the AT and Hq platoons combined was put in the line along side of the 3rd platoon and the advance was started again. By 0930 these two platoons had crossed through the wire and reached the AT ditch, under heavy artillery fire. Enemy machine guns opened up from houses at 762868 and TD's were called upon to fire direct fire at the houses. After firing for approximately ten minutes without getting desired results, three tanks were brought forward to south side of AT ditch and fired at houses allowing these two platoons to cross AT ditch, advance and occupy houses killing several enemy soldiers. About 1700 company was ordered not to advance further and withdrew to a position on line with A and B Co's.


B Co moved out as planned and crossed LD at 0600 with company in column in order of 2nd platoon, 3rd platoon and 1st platoon in reserve. The AT platoon was split in three sections and one section alloted to each rifle platoon. Tanks and TD's were held in reserve in vicinity of Spielmanshof without resistance. However, after reaching a point 773856 they were pinned down by machine gun and mortar fire coming from the East side of Roer River. Artillery supporting fire was called for and was placed on coordinate 765863 partially silencing the enemy action and permitting the pinned down platoon to maneuver to the right. Intense enemy machine gun fired from the Heide Woods continued to slow down the advance of the 2nd platoon. 3rd platoon followed advance of 2nd platoon while the 1st platoon was held in reserve at the line of departure. It was then decided that with tanks and infantry tactics attack would be made on Heide Woods. All three platoon withdrew to woods vicinity of coordinate 773845 and plans were organized for attack. After a three minute artillery preparation on the woods, five tanks with 2nd platoon of Co B mounted jumped off for the attack at 1530. 1st platoon followed the advance dismountd in skirmish formation. 3rd platoon was held in reserve in woods. At approximately 1700 the woods were cleared of enemy forces except for northwest tip. At dark with the 2nd platoon on left and 1st platoon on right, they deployed along north edge of the woods and dug in for the night. Tanks were withdrawn inside Heide woods while the 3rd platoon moved to a position 761856, with plans to attack the NW tip of Heide woods morning of 27 Feb. It was estimated that approximately ninety Germans were killed in the attack.


A Co, in column of platoons, with 1st platoon leading, followed by attached tank platoon of tanks, 3rd rifle platoon, AT platoon acting as rifle platoon and second platoon crossed line of departure at 0610, advanced through woods at 773843 while tanks by-passed the woods on the left advancing parallel with the infantry. Up to this time there was only scattered small arms fire being encountered by our troops. The advance of our 1st platoon slowed down considerably, so the 3rd platoon took over the lead while the 1st platoon reverted to the rear of the column. Upon reaching a position at 780856 contact with a section from 88th Recon was made who reported suspected enemy machine gun positions. Tanks were put on the line and fired at these suspected targets. From this position with tanks, 1st and 3rd platoons as a base of fire, the second platoon advanced across the open ground and tool abjectives assigned 780858. Platoon reorganized north side of woods. The 3rd platoon mounted on tanks and 1st platoon dismounted pushed forward until mine field was encountered. Riflemen dismounted and guided tanks through mine field successfully. Company then reorganized at this newly won position and TD's advanced to a position at 778855.


Plans were formulated for further advance. 2nd platoon jumped off again at 0900 from a position at 780858. After advancing to the right front for approximately 300 yards, what was thought to be platoon leader of 2nd platoon signalling that all was clear, remainder of company advanced forward and met an intense artillery, mortar and machine gun barrage coming from pillboxes on east side of Roer River inflicting several casualties on our troops. Two tanks were put out of action by mines while maneuvering for positions to fire on pillboxes. Artillery fire was called for but was not effectively placed and enemy guns continued to pound our men. TD's were brought up to fire at pillboxes and were successful in laying down some smoke while our rifle platoons withdrew to a position at 779856. It was then decided that what appeared to be 2nd platoon leader signalling for advance was probably a German observer signalling for artillery barrage. Order was given to dig in and the company remained in this position for the night.

27 Feb

While A and C companies held their present positions, B Co jumped off for an attack on NW tip of Heide Woods. 3rd platoon of B Co with 4 tanks and 2 TD's jumped off at 0830 and by 0930 had taken the woods with no opposition. 1st and 2nd platoons of B Co withdrew to Spielmanshof for reorganization leaving a small holding force at Heide Woods. Upon returning to their original positions they were met by a heavy artillery and mortar barrage and several casualties resulted. At 1030 word was received that the battalion was to be relieved by the 15th Cavalry Group. No further advance was made.

28 Feb

Bn departed vic of Montfort enroute to Hucklehoven, Germany. Because of congested road conditions progress was slow and orders changed. Our new march objective was named to be vicinity of Wegberg, Germany. At close of period the battalion was on the road.


For the Battalion Commander;

s/James D. Dykeman
1st Lt., Infantry,