Time |
Incidents, Messages, Orders, etc. Action taken |
22 Jan 45 |
0100 |
Co A moves mounted fr Sireck to point S of Besch, having rec'd order at 2300, 21 Jan to support 302nd Inf (94th Div) |
0200 |
Co A met with guide fr 302nd and dismounts along road about 1000 yds S of Besch and proceeds to Besch; CO Co A leaves to rpt to CO, 302nd. |
0230 |
AG Plt moves fr Rettel to Nennig in support of Co A. |
0400 |
Co A ordered to proceed to Nennig to join 3rd Bn, 302nd Inf there. |
0410 |
Co A moves dismounted in route column to Nennig under cover of friendly arty. |
0500 |
Co A arrives at Nennig and occupies cellars of first three bldgs; Co officers rpt to 3rd Bn CO to receive instructions. |
0500 |
AG Plt arrives Nennig (finds no positions in darkness and is ordered by CO to move to Besch) |
0530 |
CO A Co receives orders and plans for atk on Nennig: Atk to begin 0715, 1st Plt to lead and clear each house on rt hand side of street, 2nd and 3rd plts to remain in support on S end of town. |
0600 |
Co A makes limited recn and assumes positions for atk. |
0615 |
Bn, except A and Sv Cos alerted to move on 1/2 hr notice. |
0700 |
Co B moves out mounted fr Sierck. |
0705 |
Bn Hq, remdr of Hq Co move mounted fr Rettel to vic of Besch. |
0715 |
1st Plt Co A starts atk; contacts enemy. |
0720 |
Bn Hq & Clm halted at outskirts of Sierck to allow AT and 1 rifle Plt of Co B to pass. |
0740 |
Bn Hq & colm crosses into Germany. |
0750 |
Bn Cmd track reaches apach. |
0800 |
Co B arrives in tactical biv. S of Wochern; no enemy action encountered. |
0802 |
Bn Hq & colm halted for 30 min. |
0845 |
1st Plt Co A clears first 3 houses which fall easily but church heavily occupied by enemy slowing up advance. |
0900 |
I & R Plt clears roads to and adjacent to Besch and wooded area No.5 S of Besch. |
0930 |
Bn Hq & colm closes biv area S of Wochern. |
1000 |
Bn Aid Station set up at Besch in conjunction with 3rd Bn, 302nd Inf. |
1030 |
Co A requests AG Plt. |
1100 |
AG Plt moves fr Besch to Nennig. |
1200 |
AG Plt arrives at Nennig. Action: 1st Gun section put in action; destroys defensive position with 4 rds HEAT and 3 rds HE, permitting 1st Plt Co A to take the position and remove wounded Co A men fr vic of church. |
1300 |
2nd Plt, Co A assaults and takes 2 houses to E. of church with aid of AG Plt but unable to clear rest of houses on that side of street. |
1400 |
LnO brings Spec G-2 Rept, 22 Jan 45. |
1430 |
Bn Hq and sect of MG Plt prepare to move fr biv area to Besch. |
1500 |
Lt Grau with 4 EM lvs Besch for Nennig to set up Aid Stat 100 yds N. of Co A CP. Aid station to clear patients thru Cor, 78Med Bn at Sierck. |
1500 |
LnO brings overlay re Priority for recn. |
1515 |
Bn Hq and sect oc MG Plt move mounted for Besch. |
1600 |
Bn Hq and sect of MG Plt arrive at Besch and set up CP. |
1800 |
AG Plt moves in reserve to Besch under orders of Bn CO. |
1800 |
1st Plt, Co Arelieved by 3rd Plt which holds houses taken. |
1830 |
2nd Plt, Co A relieves Co K on high ground E of town and occupies 2 houses it had previously taken; 1st Plt put in reserve. |
1830 |
I & R Plt leaves to recn rd to Besch in preparation for move by Hq, B and C Cos; one Sect of I & R recns tracks fr Besch to Nennig. |
Bn casualties for 22 Jan 45: W.I.A - 13, K.I.A - 1 |
23 Jan 45 |
0400 |
Enemy having infiltered into positions held by Co A during 22 Jan are cleared. |
0400 |
CO brings FO No. 1, CCA 23 Jan 45. |
0700 |
Co A atks under following plan: 1st Plt to take over positions held by 3rd Plt, 3rd Plt to atk up left side of street, bldgs having softened by 3 TDs, 3rd Bn, 376th to atk fr W and take N half of town. |
1019 |
LnO brings FO No. 3, 302nd Inf. |
1600 |
LnO brings Spec G-2 Rept, 23 Jan 45. |
1800 |
Mission of Co A and 376th completed, 376th having had difficulty causing delay in estimation of plan. |
2400 |
Enemy having infiltered into Co A positions is cleared, |
Bn casualties for 23 Jan 45: W.I.A - 10, K.I.A, - 2 |
24 Jan 45 |
0700 |
3rd Bn, 302nd Inf with aid of 2nd Plt, Co A take remdr of Nennig relieving a Plt of the 3rd Bn which had been trapped for 2 days; Co A holds positions. |
1118 |
Co A rpts town of Nennig completely cleared. |
1400 |
Enemy having infiltered into Nennig is cleared by Co A. |
1900 |
LnO brings FO #2, CCA 24 Jan 45. |
2000 |
Co B with 1 sec of MG Plt atchd leaves Sierck on mounted road march to Besch; Co C leaves Rettel on mounted road march to Besch. |
2300 |
CO receives order to comply with FO #1, CCA 23 Jan. |
2330 |
Cos Band C arrives at Besch and bivouac. |
2330 |
Other sect MG Plat joins plat Besch. |
2400 |
CO % S-2 recn line of departure: Find town of Berg occupied by German troops. |
2400 |
Co A relieved of mission holding Nennig. |
Bn casualties for 24 Jan 45: W.I.A. - 8, K.I.A. - 3 |
25 Jan 45 |
0200 |
Co B and part of Hq Co move fr Besch dismounted to Nennig. |
0210 |
MG Plt moves fr Besch , dismounted to Nennig. |
0300 |
Co C moves dismounted fr Besch to Nennig. |
0300 |
Co B arrives at Nennig and prepares for atk on Berg consisting of about 9 bldgs and 1 large chateau on commanding ground; MG plt arrives in support of Co B. |
0400 |
Co C arrives at Nennig snd receives mission to take bldgs on W. side of Berg as soon as Co B secured the E. half of town. |
0430 |
Mortar and AG Plts move fr Besch to Nennig. |
0505 |
3rd Plt Co B crosses LD to atk Berg; followed by 1st plt with 2nd Plt and MG Plt in reserve. |
0530 |
Mortar Plt in firing position firing HE Hwy. |
0600 |
As first elements of Co C move thru Nennig under hwy enemy mortar fire, accompanying Tk strikes mines inflicting hwy casualties upon Co C and 81mm Mortar Plt. (Cas: Med - 1, Co C - 24, Hq - 13). |
0700 |
Mort Plt reorgn into two squads. |
0730 |
All available men of I & R Plt ordered to occupy bldg guarding rt flank of Bn zeroed in by en arty and mortar fire. |
0800 |
Remdr Aid Station personnel arrives at Nennig. |
0830 |
Radios and phones of Mort Plt out; cmds relayed to gun; Plt fires smoke and HE hwy into Berg. |
0900 |
2nd Plt, Co B jumps off to atk, having been unable to jump off at 0700 as ordered due to difficulty of bringing up tks; MG Plt not committed but used to help in evacuation of casualties and handling of PWs. |
1000 |
Lt Woodward, Co B W.I.A. and evac; Lt Kizner, Co C W.I.A. and evac. |
1030 |
S-2 to CCA (Msg-Rad): Adv held up by auto and small arms fire. |
1055 |
Bn in Adm (S-4) net with CCA, 18th Tk and 398 FA, |
1100 |
Mort Plt moves one gun into new position; Plt under constant arty and mortar fire. |
1100 |
I & R recons 2 routes to pt 200 yds N. of Berg. |
1200 |
Co C clears bldg on east side of Berg and prepares for atk on chateau; tk trap found betw edge of Berg and chateau and engineers build crossing protected by Co C; Lt Henderson, Co C W.I.A. and evac; Berg , except chateau, secured; MG Plt outposts line on high ground beyond Berg. |
1231 |
S-2 CCA to CO (Msg-Rad): 3 or 4 tks heard in vic of Kreuzweiler (L036066) moving south. |
1235 |
ComO to CCA (Msg-Rad): Town cleared 1145 exception big chateau. |
1255 |
S-2 to CCA (Msg-Rad): En Arty estimated 105 MM fall in Baltimore betw 1045 and 1100 approx 30 rds. |
1330 |
ComO W.I.A and evac; tks make crossing of tk trap followed by 2nd Plt, Co C; 2 leading tks disabled and Inf pinned down in tk trap while remaining tks place arty and small arms fire on chateau; Co C suffers casualties due to mortar fire. |
1330 |
S-2 CCA to S-2 (Msg-Rad): Request direction enemy arty fell in Baltimore. |
1330 |
Mtr Plt reorgn into 1 sqd; dismounts and fires smoke on hill N.E. chateau. |
1400 |
Fire from chateau diminishes and Inf able to pass and organize high ground N.E.; Co C ordered to secure town against snipers and secure breach of tk ditch until tks return; Co B completes mission & moves to high ground around Berg - AT Plt brought up and placed in defense around Nennig. |
1400 |
Lt Ballentine, Co B W.I.A. and evac. |
1415 |
S-2 to CCA (Msg-Rad): Lead 2 vehs knocked out blocking Road. We have men in AT ditch under hwy mortar fire. Looks like we will have to pull them out. |
1500 |
Co A moves to edge of Berg in close reserve and bivouacs. |
1525 |
LnO to All Cos (Msg vis Msgr) Pass Word. |
1530 |
Capt Herman, CO Co B K.I.A.: Lt Fisher assumes Cmd. |
1600 |
Lt Col Poinier Bn CO W.I.A. and evac: ExO assumes Cmd. |
1600 |
AG Plt follows atking Cos to Berg (remains in static support on call for Co B) |
1700 |
CO Co C evacuated; Lt Lane assumes command. |
1700 |
S-3 evacuated. |
1800 |
Mortar Plt goes out of action due to limited visibility. |
2400 |
Co B and MG Plt relieved by 94th and move to Berg to bivouac. |
Bn Casualties for 25 Jan 45: W.I.A. - 101, K,I,A. - 6 |