After Action Reports and Interviews
80th Tank Bn. - S-3 Report - February 1945
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APO 258, U. S. ARMY

February 1945

1. Front lines at end of period: See overlay, Inclosure Number 1. (not provided)
2. Location of troops: See Overlay, Inclosure Number 1. (not provided)
3. Information of Adjacent Units and Supporting Troops:
  a. At close of period 80th Tank Battalion less 'B' Co. 80 plus the following attachments Troop ;C; 88th Rcn. Sqdn. 'B' Co. 58th A.I.B., 'C' Co. 53rd Engrs, 'C' Co. (-) 78th Medics formed one task force under command C.O. 80th Tank Battalion formed the leading task force of CCR in assembly area enroute to March Objective - Gladbach, Germany. See Overlay, Inclosure Number 1. (not provided)
4. Operations:
(1) Period 1-2 - February 1945 Battalion remained in bivouac Morville Sur-Seille, France, preparation for move.
(2) 030350 Feb 1945 - Battalion departed Morville SurSeille, France in convoy. Halts made along route for the purpose of refueling, 1st echelon maintenance and chow.
(3) O40720 Feb 1945 - Battalion reached Vilt, Holland. 1150 Battalion closed bivouac Vilt, Holland. Six tanks out due to blown bogies but later joined companies in bivouac.
(4) 5-9 Feb 1945 - Battalion performed maintenance of vehicles, radios and weapons.
(5) 10-13 Feb 1945 - Battalion remained in same area working on maintenance of vehicles. Training consisted of basic subjects and indirect fire training.
(6) 14 Feb 1945 - Battalion performed maintenance. Training carried on consisting of basic subjects and gunnery instructions. New Tank Dozers tested for performance. Rocket Launchers fired purpose of test firing weapon.
(7) 15-18 Feb 1945 - Battalion remained in Vilt, Holland getting vehicles in readiness for moving out. Training carried on as much as possible including basic subjects, gunnery instructions and aircraft identification.
(8) 191050 Feb 1945 - Battalion departed from Vilt, Holland. Order of March A,D,H,C,B,& Sv.. 191313 Feb 1945 - Battalion (-) reached Maasbracht, Holland. 'A' Co. continued to front line positions Map: France-Belgium, Roermond (South) Sheet 37 S.E. Coordinates 746833 and attached to 58th AIB 1145. Service Co. departed from convoy group and went in Service Park at Hingon, Holland. Battalion closed bivouac 191410 Feb 1945.
(9) 20 Feb 1945 - Battalion remained in Maasbracht, Holland. Maintenance performed. Vehicles camouflaged, dug in and sand-bagged. Nets used where buildings were not available.
(10) 21 Feb 1945 - Maintenance performed during day on vehicles. One Assault Gun from Headquarters Company attached to 405th F.A. Bn. at 1500 to fire direct fire at enemy OP located at Linne, Holland. 1630 - Assault Gun ceased firing. One Assault Gun from Headquarters Company attached to ;C' Battery 405th F.A. Bn. to deliver harassing firs and fire at targets of opportunity in triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg). Remained in same position throughout period.
(11) 22 Feb 1945 - Assault Gun Headquarters Company returned to bivouac area at 0700. 'C; Company (-) remained attached to 405 F.A. Bn. for fire support of Artillery. Fired harassing mission in triangle (Roermond, Linne & St, Odilienburg). At 1310 warning order received to the effect that 80th Tank Battalion (-) will support attack by fire from Assault Gun and Mortar Platoons engaging targets #1-2-3-4-12-16-17-18-19-21-25 and targets of opportunity to front and right front in CCR Z. Remainder of Battalion in mobile reserve prepared tp counter-attack.
(12) 23 Feb 1945 - Assault Gun Platoon, 'B' and 'C' Companies were attached to 405th F.A. Nn. With mission of firing harassing fires and delivering fire at targets of opportunity in the triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg) Mortar platoon fired harassing fire in triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg). 'C' Company reverted to 80th Tank Bn control 1030 and 'B' Company reverted to 80th Tank Bn control 1500 and returned to positions in bivouac area as part of CCR Reserve. Assault Guns remained attached to the 405th F.A. Bn and Mortar Platoon remained in firing position. Company 'A' remained attached to 58th A.I.B. firing direct fire missions during daylight hours in triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg). Remainder of Battalion remained in position as reserve for CCR. Assault Gun Platoon relieved from 405th F.A. Bn. returned to bivouac area.
(13) 24 Feb 1945 - Assault Gun Platoon returned to firing position and attached to 405th F.A. Bn. ae 0800 to deliver harassing fires and fire at targets of opportunity in triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg). 'A' Company remained attached to 58th A. I.B. delivered direct fire at targets of opportunity during daylight hours. Remainder of battalion remained in position as reserve for CCR throughout day.
(14) 25 Feb 1945 - Assault Gun Platoon remained in position and attached to 405th F.A. Bn to deliver harassing fires and fire at targets of opportunity in triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg). Mortar Platoon remained in position to deliver defensive fires in support of ;C; Company 58th Infantry vicinity of Linne. 'A' Company relieved from attached to 58th A.I.B. and returned to bivouac area at 1030 25 February 1945. 'D' Company left bivouac area at 0530 to take up firing positions and attached to 58th A.I.B.
(15) 26 Feb 1945 - Company 'D' remained attached to the 58th Infantry. 'A' Company attached to 58th Infantry at 0600. Attached Companies to give direct support to Infantry in attack in zones indicated on overlay accompanying OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS of 25 February 1945. Mortar Platoon remained in position prepared to fire supporting fires. Assault Gun Platoon remained attached to Artillery to fire mieeions as directed in support of attack. Remainder of Battalion remained in present positions. Company 'C' took position at 1900 25 February 1945 prepared to support attack by indirect fire. Still in position at end of day. 80th Tank Battalion (-) remained in position as CCR Reserve.
(16) 27 Feb 1945 - 'B' Company attached to 58th AIB 1200, took up position. 'A' Company relieved from attached to 58th AIB, reverted to Battalion control at 1200, took positions in bivouac area. 'D' Company relieved from attached to 58th AIB reverted Battalion control 1400. 'C' Company (-) relieved from attached to 405th FA Bn reverted to Battalion control 1600. Mortar Platoon relieved from mission of delivering supporting fires to 'C' Company 58th AIB from vicinity Linne to triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg) and returned to bivouac area. Assault Gun Platoon remained attached to 405th FA Bn firing harassing mission in triangle (Roermond, Linne, & St Odilienberg) as directed by 405th FA Bn. 80th Tank Battalion (-) remained as CCR reserve.
(17) 28 Feb 1945 - 80th Tank Battalion less 'B' Company. With 'B' Co. 58th, 'C' Co. 53rd Engrs, 'C' Troop 88th Rcn, 'B' Co. (-) 78th Medics attached making up one (1) task force of CCR departed from Maasbracht, Holland at 0425 enroute to position in zone on Corps right flank as per Operational Instructions No. 2 dated 27 February 1945. At 1800 Task Force was in vicinity of Geilenkirchen, Germany. Task force arrived Tuschenbroich, Germany 2305 total mileage 37.0. 'D' Company 80th Tank Battalion became CCR Reserve in anticipation of contact with enemy at 1400.

S/D F Burr
Major, Inf.