G.O. No. 1, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 8 Feb. 1945, Page 1 - Award of Silver Star, Posthumous
Maidment, Anthony H.
Captain (Cavalry), U.S. Army
Headquarters, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: January 25, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Anthony H. Maidment (0-1010740), Captain (Cavalry), U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company D, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 25 January 1945. During the attack on a very strongly-held enemy position in Berg, Germany, the company commander and the first platoon leader were wounded. Captain Maidment, the battalion S-3, on his own initiative took command of the company and directed it into position so that the attack was continued. Later the same day the second platoon leader's tank became seriously damaged. In order that a planned assault by the platoon with combined infantry might be made against the strongly-held position, Captain Maidment mounted the second tank and led the assault. When within 100 yards of the enemy position his tank was hit by an enemy anti-tank rocket and Captain Maidment was killed. Captain Maidment's initiative, courageous leadership and heroic devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of the Military Forces of the United States. Entered Military Service from Illinois.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 1, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 8 Feb. 1945, Page 2 - Award of Silver Star
Cox, Robert C.
Second Lieutenant (Cavalry), U.S. Army
Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: January 27, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Robert C. Cox (O-532723), Second Lieutenant (Cavalry), U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 27 January 1945. Lieutenant Cox was in the lead tank of his platoon as it was advancing toward Sinz, Germany. As his column was proceeding across a marshy field to the right flank of an adjoining company, his tank struck a mine and was immediately brought under fire by the two enemy Mark IV tanks. Despite this fire, Lieutenant Cox dismounted and directed the movement of his tank so as to bring it into position to fire. He then engaged both tanks and an anti-tank gun annihilating all. While his crew remained with the tank, Lieutenant Cox again dismounted and although under constant artillery fire, he guided the rest of the company around the mined area. Lieutenant Cox's personal bravery and inspiring leadership reflects great credit upon himself and the Military Forces of the United States. Entered Military Service from New Mexico. |
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G.O. No. 24, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 3 May, 1945, Page 3 - Award of Silver Star
Rochholz, Harold J.
Technician Fifth Grade, U.S. Army
Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: March 28, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Harold J. Rochholz (37040183), Technician Fifth Grade, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 28 March 1945. During an attack on a heavily fortified enemy town, Corporal Rochholz's tank was struck by artillery fire, killing two crew members and wounding the tank commander. Corporal Rochholz removed the wounded officer while under heavy artillery and machine gun fire, Without regard for his own safety, he went for medical aid and assisted in the evacuation of the wounded. He was constantly under machine gun, sniper and artillery fire. His actions reflect great credit on himself and the Armed Forces of the united States. Entered Military Service from Iowa.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 26, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 5 May, 1945, Page 1 - Award of Silver Star, Posthumous
Stinson, John D.
First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
Headquarters, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: March 2 - April 11, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to John D. Stinson (0-1016269), First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Headquarters, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany from 2 March 1945 to 11 April 1945. Lieutenant Stinson commanded an assault gun platoon for the 18th Tank Battalion. He anticipated where his unit could be used. Frequently he led his tanks into position and reported for a mission. He was assigned the mission of clearing a portion of a German city. While leading his platoon, his tank was hit by bazooka fire and Lieutenant Stinson and two of his crew were killed. His actions were an inspiration to all and reflect great credit on himself and the Armed Forces of the United States. Hometown: San Francisco, California.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 30, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 9 May, 1945, Page 2 - Award of Silver Star, Posthumous
Dorr, Michael W.
Technician Fifth Grade, U.S. Army
18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: April 11, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Michael W. Dorr (6253729), Technician Fifth Grade, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with the 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 11 April 1945. Corporal Dorr was a member of a patrol sent out to evacuate prisoners. When the other members of the patrol dismounted from the half-track, he remained at the machine gun to cover their advance. The dismounted members of the patrol met fifteen German soldiers and Corporal Dorr fired several bursts overhead to induce surrender. Other enemy troops then opened fire. Engaging three tanks as well as the machine guns, he fought courageously to protect his companions until mortally wounded. His bravery and extreme devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Armed Forces of the United States and reflect great credit upon himself and the Military Service. Hometown: Englewood, Colorado.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 32 Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 11 May, 1945, Page 1 - Award of Silver Star
Moore, Haskell C.
Sergeant, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: April 11, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Haskell C. Moore (35653774), Sergeant, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Headquarters, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 11 April 1945. When his tank was hit by enemy fire and was burning, Sergeant (then Technician Fourth Grade) Moore drove it to a covered position. He mounted to the turret under constant sniper fire to administer first aid to wounded members of the crew. His actions, carried out without regard for his own safety, reflect great credit on himself and the Armed Forces of the United States. Entered Military Service from Iowa.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 54, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 26 June, 1945, Page 1 - Award of Silver Star
Pearson, Floyd T.
Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: February 28, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Floyd T. Pearson (38151557), Sergeant, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 28 February 1945. Sergeant Pearson was commander of a tank which was struck by an enemy bazooka fire. Sergeant Pearson, his gunner and his cannoneer were wounded. Without regard for his own safety and although seriously wounded himself, Sergeant Pearson moved 1500 yards under intense small arms and artillery fire to secure medical aid for his more seriously wounded gunner. He insisted on returning to the tank with the medical aid men, but his injuries were so severe he himself had to be evacuated immediately. His courage and devotion beyond the call of duty reflected great credit on himself and the armed forces of the United States. Hometown: Oklahoma.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 56, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 28 June, 1945, Page 2 - Award of Silver Star, Posthumous
Beauprey, Clarence J.
Sergeant, U.S. Army
18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: January 22 - April 11, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Clarence J. Beauprey (36198316), Sergeant, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with the 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany from 22 January 1945 to 11 April 1945. Sergeant Beauprey insisted on accompanying his unit overseas, despite a back injury. During many engagements he was unable to straighten up, due to the injury, but he remained at his post performing his duties in a superior manner. On 11 April 1945 he refused to remain behind for medical attention and took his tank into the attack. During the engagement he was called upon to relieve infantry elements pinned down by small arms and machine gun fire. Without regard for anti-tank and rocket fire, he moved into position and destroyed the guns holding up the infantry. He had just completed this mission when his tank received a rocket shell through the turret. Sergeant Beauprey was fatally wounded. His great personal courage and devotion beyond the call of duty were an inspiration to all and reflect great credit on himself and the Armed Forces of the United States. Hometown: Baraga County, Michigan.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 76, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 27 July, 1945, Page 3 - Award of Silver Star
Franz, Richard E.
Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: February 28, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Richard E. Franz (42125715), Private First Class, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 28 February 1945. Private Franz was a cannoneer of a tank that was disabled by enemy fire, which also wounded the gunner. Under heavy artillery, mortar and small arms fire he removed the gunner and assisted him to the shelter of a nearby ditch. There he attempted to administer aid to the wounded man. He then made his way across open terrain under extremely heavy artillery, mortar and small arms fire and led medical aid men back to the wounded man. His courage and devotion to duty reflect great credit to himself and the Armed forces of the United States. Entered Military Service from New York.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 81, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 4 August, 1945, Page 1 - Award of Silver StarGoodrich, Guinn B.
Lieutenant Colonel (Armor), U.S. Army
Commanding Officer, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: March 29 & April 5 & 12, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Guinn B. Goodrich (0308572), Lieutenant Colonel (Armor), U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while Commanding the 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 29 March 1945 and 5 April 1945 and April 12, 1945. As a leader of a task force, Colonel Goodrich displayed outstanding gallantry in the engagements with enemy forces. On one occasion he moved his command post so close to behind assaulting elements that he was under constant artillery and mortar fire. While personally directing one operation he was painfully wounded by shrapnel. After receiving medical treatment he continued to carry on his duties. His close personal supervision and tactical skill resulted greatly reduced casualties in his task force and in all actions Colonel Goodrich demonstrated courage and disregard for his own safety that was an inspiration to his men and in keeping with the highest traditions of the Armed forces of the United States. Enter Military Service from Tennessee.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 81, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 4 August, 1945, Page 2 - Award of Silver Star
Bishop, Sidney B.
Corporal, U.S. Army
Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: February 28, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Sidney B. Bishop (14131653), Corporal, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 28 February 1945. When the tank which he was serving was hit and ignited by enemy fire, Corporal Bishop dismounted with the remainder of the crew. He then voluntarily sought out another tank. He took the place of a bow gunner who had become a casualty a short time before. He served with this tank crew for more than an hour. When this tank was disabled by rocket fire, Corporal Bishop again dismounted under intense artillery and mortar fire. He took his place in a third tank and continued the action until it was successfully completed. Corporal Bishop's courage and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Armed forces of the United States. Entered Military Service from Tennessee.
To Rosters To General Orders
G.O. No. 81, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 4 August, 1945, Page 2 - Award of Silver Star
Thomas, Dewey C.
Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division
Date of Action: March 28, 1945
The Silver Star is presented to Dewey C. Thomas (34375828), Private First Class, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Company A, 18th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, in Germany on 28 March 1945. When the tank in which he was serving as a gunner suffered a direct hit the platoon leader was severely wounded. Private Thomas immediately moved up to the turret and removed the wounded officer. Under direct fire from the enemy within sixty yards range, he moved the wounded officer to the security of a ditch some fifteen yards away. There under a constant hail of small arms fire, he rendered first aid and remained with him until medical aid arrived. His courage and devotion to duty reflect great credit to himself and the Armed forces of the United states. Hometown: Tennessee.
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