After Action Reports and Interviews
58th A.I.B. - S-3 Report - May 1945
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8th Armd Div
APO 258, U. S. ARMY

010001 May, 1945 to 312400 May, 1945

1. Front Lines at End of Period: Does not apply,

2. Location of Troops: See Overlay.

3. Information of Adjacent Units and Supporting Troops: None.

4. Operations for the Period:

1-8 May 45

During the period the Battalion did not take part in any combat operations against the enemy. Battalion remained in Seesen, Germany and vicinity, occupied and governed area as assigned by CCR. Rifle companies of the battalion were assigned sectors to screen with the mission of taking any enemy troops still holding out. Guard posts were established on all German hospitals containing German prisoner's of war, banks, Displaced Persons Camps and factories containing quantities of foodstuffs. All roads were patrolled twenty four hours per day and guards were placed on edges of all towns to prevent civilians from passing from one town to another without proper authority. Troops not involved in guarding or patrolling followed daily training schedule consisting of physical training, close order drill, manual of arms and other basic activities.

9-31 May, 1945

Battalion departed Seesen, Germany at o9oo enroute to Duderstadt, Germany. Arrived Duderstadt, Germany 1130 9 May, 1945 and relieved 88th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron Mechanized. Travelled distance of 29 miles. Battalion area, assigned by CCR, was divided in three sections and each rifle company took over one section with mission of patrolling all roads and guarding any installations deemed necessary. Guards were placed on a V Bomb factory in Lindau, Germany, signal supply dump in Westerode, Germany, Displaced Persons Camp in Rhumspringe, Germany and three hospitals in Duderstadt, Germany. Towards the latter part of the month in compliance with a Division directive, guards and patrols were held to a minimum and companies followed a weekly training schedule consisting of platoon problems and firing of M-1 rifle, carbine and Thompson sub machine gun. Two week course on maintenance subjects was covered for the purpose of improving the first echelon maintenance in the battalion. Considerable time was devoted to organized athletics.

For the Battalion Commander,

S/James D. Dykeman
1ST Lt., Infantry,

  Maj., Infantry,