CCR26 March 1945 |
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G-3 Journal |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: Enroute to assembly area vic Bruckhausen (A321346). |
27 March |
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O/I #17 - |
CCR: Atk E fr Pr Assy area at H-hour (to be announced) along following axis: Kirchellen (A435344); Feldhausen (A470354); Scholven (A502338); Langenbochum (A570352); Recklinghausen (A630350); Ickern (A730330); Breethen (A820310); Lamen (A950330); Werwe (A997318); Kump (B088330); Berwicke (B203360). Seize and hold crossing over Rheinherne, Emscher-Zweigkanal Canal between A705345 and continue atk to cut road from Soest to Hamm. |
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G-3 Journal |
0205 - Topay crossing - started at 0100.
0600 - CCR cleared bridge at 0545.
1043 - All units CCR closed in area 0900.
1610 - G-3 to CCR; One bn inf atchd. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR (A322360); Closed Pr area at 270900 Mar 45. |
28 March |
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G-3 Journal |
0940 - Ln 0 CCR elms encountering mines at Kirchellen (433342) at 0835. (Not so according to Co C Co, 58th AIB).
1135 - CCR - Ldg elms vic 432333.
1200 - CCR - Encountered 1 AT gun, considerable s/a and arty fire present location 100 meters S of Kirchellen. PW reports Pz are east edge of town.
1950 - G-3 to XVI C - CCR at 445315 and 445325.
2000 - Div Arty - Zweckel taken at 1840 by CCR.
2015 - CCR (msg) Request direct air support for tank column at 1600 - located 443330.
2040 - CCR - Rt flank unit now entering town at 4733. Left flank unit in vic 445350. Center unit 435343.
2050 - Div Arty - left and center forces CCR approaching 468352. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR (434343); Moved from assy position vic 322360 and passed thru elms 117 Inf Regt, 30 Inf Div and attacked east in Z. |
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For air support, see Div file. |
29 March |
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8 AD O/I #18 |
CCR: Continue atk to E along axis: Recklinghausen (A830350); Ickern (A730330); Breethen (A820310); Kamen (A950330); Werwe (A997318); Kump (B088330); Berwicke (B203360). Seize and hold crossings over Zweigkannal between A7135 and A680305 and continue atk to cut road fr Soest to Hamm. |
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G-3 Journal |
0240 - Col Brooke to CCR - Phoned mag from Gen Divine to Col Wallace to push right on into town. (TF Humanoff into Dorsten). 0820 - CCR Elms had reached outskirts of Dorsten at 0800. We're continuing on into town.
0830 - CCR - TF Artman reptd in Feldhausen at 0830.
1030 - CCR - Ldg elms at 503338 - R also 2 warehouses in Zweckel, one containing ammo and the other food. Guards placed request relief. Div Arty reports CCR as of 1135 at 518338 (Fwd Elms) |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (432340) Crossed LD 0430A in atk to Dorsten. Reached final obj and then proceeded with atk to E. Adv to present location against strong enemy resistance. |
30 March |
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8 AD O/I #19 |
CCR: Continues atk E in Z, be prepared to pass CCB thru on Div O. Release 1st Bn 290 Inf to 75 Inf Div upon relief by CCB. |
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G-3 Journal |
0250 - CCR requested sq of planes for clm cover as soon as possible in AM.
0640 - CCR - TF Walker and Artman hopped off at 0630.
0700 - CCR Atk started as per plan.
0815 - CCR (mag) Enemy appears to have protective line E of canal in Zwaaw and Sp fire being received two tanks opposing.
0900 - CCR Artman 800 yds E of Red (phase line) - met c/a - repulsed.
1040 - CCR (mag) Ldg elms now 300 yds E of canal bridge now being c/a.
1445 - CCR Artman now located at 527343. Is going out in 2 columns. Walker behind Artman & Harrington behind Walker. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (A497347) Atk jumped off 0630 from E edge Scholven. Occupied Buer-Hassel and Bergmannsgluck at 1615. (Air used at Burr-Hassel) |
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For air support, see Div file. |
31 March |
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8 AD O/I #20 |
CCR will be relieved by RCT of 75 Inf Div in Z off as soon as possible. CCR will not mv fr pres location until relief is efftd |
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G-3 Journal |
0500 - Artman jumped off reached obj at 0350 Kol - Bertlich.
0720 - CCR Atkd 0300 & secured town of Kol Lobetica 542350. Atkd E from that point 0600.
0830 - CCR (mag) Buer Hassel captured 0400 (30 March about noon.) Westerhold captured & secured 0700. TF Artman continues advances to E.
0953 - CCR - Fwd elms now 4000 yds from Recklingen - Hausen at 590352.
1119 - TF Walker now moving along road N of Artman.
1515 - CCR No chge - Walker & Artman still having dismounted actn.
1815 - CCR Fwd Elms TFH 577357 - TFW 578353 - TFA 581347. W & A are engaged in dismounted action.
2000 - G-3 to CCR - Pln F in effect - rogered for 2010 (Pull out and go east). |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (A433350) Continued atk E in Z to positions at 580355 and 588367. Met heavy arty, HV weapons and SA fire. |
1 April |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (A787426) Relieved by elms 75 Div, moved to assy area vic Selm (A8245). |
2 April |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: enroute to assy area at close of period. |
3 April |
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8 AD O/I #21 |
CCR: Mvs from present area at 031500B Apr 45 and atk S in Z (overlay). Maintain contact with First US Army. At following check points contact will be made: Paderborn - Geseke - Ruthen - Brilon. |
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G-3 Journal |
0750 - CCR - Walker in Benfell - no resistance so far.
0912 - CCR - Maj Burbach rpts CCR secured Elson at 0830 today.
1059 - CCR - Closed in Bentfeld 507475.
1850 - CCR - Entering Lippstadt 1720. Clm stopped - can hear AW fire ahead. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR (Enroute): Moved from Selm to Lippstadt (B4242). Now enroute to Atk in right sector of Div Z. |
4 April |
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G-3 Journal |
0500 - CCR Ldg elms vic 400369 at 0415.
0820 - CCR Artman atkg Stirpe at 0630. Walker atks town 2500 yds SW Lippstadt. Patrolled that town during nite and found light resistance.
1110 - CCR TFA leas elms at Stirpe. Stopped by AT fire from Woods to W. TFW lead elms at 377376, receiving direct fire from town to s.
1200 - CCR Walker now at Nordorf.
1716 - CCR TFW atkg town at 372356. Inf entering town now.
1716 - CCR Stirpe and town 2500 yards NW now closed.
1820 - CCR Atkg Vollingham & Hornmieling
1825 - CCR TFW atkg 372355. TFA patrolling toward Vollingham.
2035 - CCR Walker atkg town at 538984. Inf entering town now.
2030 - CCR Vollingham cleared 1930. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B4137) Captured towns of Vollinghausen (B3933), Stirpe
(B4036), Overhagen (B4040), Nordorf (B3738) and Ebbinghausen
(B3736). Secured favorable position for continuation of atk. |
5 April |
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8 AD O/I #22 |
CCR: Prepare to pass CCB thru. When relieved, assemble in area indicated and revered to Div Res. |
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G-3 Journal |
0415 - CCR - TFW cleared Ebbing. Patrolling to Horn, Meiling tonite.
1000 - CCR Msg - Schmerlecke secured 0915.
1200 - Burgomeisters 3 towns saw Col Wallace to surrender towns.
1320 - CCR TFW secured Horn 353353. TFA passing thru Klieve 385306.
1555 - CCR TFA reld bt CCA at 1430 and TFW reld by CCB by 1500. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B424418) Atk E in Z taking several towns reld at 1430 by CCB. Passed to Div Reserve. |
6 April |
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. 8 AD O/I #23 |
CCR: Div Res. |
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G-3 Journal |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B423416) Div Res. Continued maintenance of vehicles and rehabilitation of personnel. |
7 April |
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G-3 Journal |
2400 CCR - Your mission for 8 April. Seize & hold B and establish contact with Troop A 88th. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B267295) Moved from assembly area S of occupy positions. Rcn Plat 809 TD Bn released to Div control. |
8 April |
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8 AD O/I #24 |
CCR: Atk W in Z. |
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G-3 Journal |
1225 - CCR (msg) Artman relieved by CCA at 1050 at Delecke.
1630 - CCR (msg) Walker in contact approaching town 155230. Receiving AT & SA fire. Artman in town 164210.
1644 - 36th Tk Bn attempting to take Werl, meeting hvy arty fire. Pushing on in.
2050 - CCR - TFW secured Breman & Parsit - advancing on Ruhne. Will patrol toward Waltringen tonite. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: Atkd and occupied Niederense (B185215), Hoingen (B165210), Parsit (B157222), and Bremen (B155230). |
9 April |
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8 AD O/I #25 |
CCR: Continue Atk in Z. |
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G-3 Journal |
1350 TFW at 115235 at 1130. Hvy resistance from tks & SP arty. Mines also encountered.
1715 - Col Burba rpts TF Artman thru Sehltuckingen. TFW on his left and 500 km behind. Mopping up and applying pressure on the towns to the S.
2250 - CCR - Hold towns of Wiehagen 2 km N by E. Captured 1 Tiger Tk. 235 PWs today - total 2100. Hvy resistance at Wiehagen. Line SE of Wiehagen to river.
2250 - CCR msg: Town right Schluckingen secured 1800. Wiehagen captured 2000. Now consolidating line. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B195242) Continued atk in Z taking towns of Waltringen and Schluckingen. Cleared woods at (B1024) Encountered hvy AT and Arty fire on left flank from vic Wickede and Echthausen. Prepared to continue atk at daylight. |
10 April |
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8 AD O/I #26 |
CCR: Continued atk in Z to Aim Line. |
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G-3 Journal |
1630 - CCR 016228.
1950 - CCR - George had taken Frommern. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B050233) Continued atk and advanced in Z. |
11 April |
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8 AD O/I #27 |
CCR: continue atk to bd between 8 AD and TF Twaddle. |
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G-3 Journal |
0900 - CCR to G-3 Air request from CCR - Knock out Br on flank at B024191. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (B004227) Attacked W in Z, capturing towns of Frondenberg and Langscheide and continued atk to the W on Div Order. At close of period had taken town of Billmerich and was preparing to continue atk at daylight |
12 April |
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8 AD O/I #28 |
CCR: Mop up En resistance in Z and secure S and W flanks Div area in sector. |
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G-3 Journal |
1830 - CCR Msg: Col Crittendon (80th Tk) line extends along high ground from Holtom to Altendorf.
1842 - CCR Crittendon's opposition is tk SP and AT fire. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR (B004227) Advanced in Z and defend sector (overlay). 959 FA Bn (4.5) detached from Div and Ccr. 275 AFA Bn Atchd Ccr. |
13 April |
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8 AD O/I #29 |
(March Schedule) |
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G-3 Journal |
1100 G-3 to CCR - Send inf patrols to part of your Z not yet cleared to assure there are no enemy tps present. |
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G-3 Report |
CCR: (C004227) Reld in Z by elms 95 Div. Moved out to new area vic Denstorf (X825097). Enroute at close of period. |
14 April |
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8 AD O/I #30 |
CCR: (1) Provide all-around security in assigned zone and clean out any by-passed enemy tps that may be left.
(2) Be responsible for administration and police of the following allied PW camps:
Offlag #79 (9012)
2014 British & American officers
416 British EM
(3) Guard captured enemy airfields at 840140 and 925180. |
20 April |
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8 AD O/I #31 |
CCR: Mv 58 AIB to vic Athenstedt (D185760) in Div Res. Prepare to mv balance of CCR to vic Aspenstedt (D212757) in Div Res when relieved in present position by elms by 2 AD. |