1. Does not apply.
2. See Overlay.
3. None.
4. Operations for the period:
1 April 45
Battalion relieved of front line position at Langenbochum by elements of 75th Inf Div and proceeded as part of CCR to Selm, Germany (A815450). Arrived Selm 1745, travelling distance of 37.7 miles.
2 & 3 April
At 1000 April 2 received orders with overlay of route of march to vicinity Dunbruck, Germany. Battalion departed Selm 1352 and arrived Thule, Germany 031115, Bn was immediately alerted to attack south to Ruhr River. At 1430 Bn CO & S-3 returned from CCR with attack orders and Bn passed LD at Heitwinkle at 1500, with C Co as assault company. By dusk, C Co had captured Weckinghausen (405375), against enemy AT and mortar fire. C Co dug in for the night.
4 April 45
At 0630, C Co jumped off from Weckinghausen attacking south toward Stirpe (396364), with Task Force Walker on right, CCA on left. C Co advanced slowly against enemy S/A, automatic weapons and AT fire. Tank Destroyers of Co C, 809th TD Bn were brought up to counteract this enemy action. By 1215 C Co had entered Stirpe and by 1245 the town was completely in our hands. Enemy AT fire was reported coming from patch of woods at 3937. B Co was alerted to clean out these woods in coordinated attack with Task Force Walker. Following ten minute artillery preparation on woods by 405th FAB, B Co moved out to clean out woods at 1450. Meanwhile C Co sent out a combat patrol to Vollinghausen (393385) to maintain contact with the enemy. At 2030 B Co dispatched a combat patrol to Klieve (384306), Patrol entered the town, caught enemy by surprise and remained there for the night.
5 April 45
At 0700 B Co moved remainder of Company into Klieve and prepared to further the advance toward Robinghausen (374288). At 0830 notified by CCR that no further advance was to be made, elements of CCR to relieve Co B. At 1300 relief was completed and Bn returned to Lippstadt in Division reserve.
6 April 45
Bn at Lippstadt performing necessary maintenance on vehicles and weapons and reorganizing for future operations. At 1915 orders received from CCR to move out and establish road blocks on all roads East of Soest (257305). Purpose of this assignment was to prevent enemy forces from breaking out to the East. While friendly forces attacked from the north through Soest. Bn departed Lippstadt at 2000.
7 April 45
At 0830 Bn was relieved of road block assignment as Soest had been cleared of all enemy forces. At 1600 orders received from CCR to pass through Soest and attack south to Lake Mohne (2221-2521). At 1700 Bn departed Bad Sassendorf (300323) enroute for attack. B & C Co's with attached tanks of A Co 80th Tk Bn and TD's of C Co 809th TD Bn, attacked on parallel roads running north and south to the Lake, B Co on left, C Co on right. At 2000 B Co had taken their objective at Delecke (B248218) capturing a large number of German prisoners with little opposition. At 2100 C Co had captured their objective at Gidnne (217225), against stiff opposition. B Co made contact with CCA at Korbecke (275224).
8 April 45
At 1045 B Co was relieved by elements of CCA at Delecke and proceeded enroute north to Rudoloh ((252267), west to Delringsen (238266), south to Gidnne (217225) then west along main road and captured Hoingen (165209) and Ndr Ense (181225) against light artillery, mortar and some sniper fire, C Co remained in their present position throughout the day.
9 April 45
At 0245 Bn CO returned from CCR with attack orders at 0545 west to Dortmund. Company Commanders were assembled at 0300, orders issued and B Co was guided by our reconnaissance platoon to Oderense where they were to organize for attack. Remainder of Bn followed. CCB on right, CCR on left with CCA in reserve with mission to mop up all enemy remnants bi-passed by leading forces. B Co jumped off at 0600 attacking west on main road south of Blumenthal (1426). Progress was slow in face of direct AT fire coming from woods at 1124. C Co was brought forward, and B & C Co's in coordinated attack with Task force Walker attacking from the south. By 1400 woods had been cleared and C Co continued the attack dismounted west to Schluckingen (090247). By 1700 Schluckingen was captured along with numerous enemy prisoners. C Co then proceeded south to Wiegagen and by 1900 had taken the town.
10 April 45
At 0100 Bn CO returned from CCR with orders to continue attack generally SW to Bausenhagen (046234). Jump off was scheduled for 0530, but CO CCR delayed attack until 0715 in event Task Force of 80th Tk Bn might need some assistance in taking Wickede. At 0730 Wickede was captured by 80th Tk Bn and C Co was ordered to advance. Advance was slow against enemy artillery fire coming from vicinity of Frondenberg (024195), and counter-battery and air support was put on town. At 0945 C Co had entered Bausenhagen and reached Phase line 'X' which was the main road running north and south at 023226. Co C continued to push on against light artillery and mortar fire and at 1430 were 1000 yds east of Fromern (005227). By 1600 C Co had captured Fromern and dug in for the night.
11 April 45
At 0700 C Co jumped off to attack westward to Phase line 'Y' which was the main road running north and south, east of Billmerich. C Co advanced rapidly and at 1015 had reached their objective and dug in 100 yds west of the line, in vicinity of Wilhelmshohe. Company Commanders were assembled at Wilhelmshohe and plans were formulated for attack on Billmerich (960227). At 1800 C Co jumped off and with no enemy opposition captured Billmerich.
12 April 45
At 0100 C Co jumped off to attack objective 22, which was the CR at 944227. By 0400 C Co had taken their objective, capturing several enemy prisoners. B Co moved forward, passed through C Co and attacked west to objective 55 & 66. At 1050 B Co had taken objective 66 which was CR at 924225 and then swung SE to take objective 55. At 1250 B Co had taken objective 55 which was the town of Hengen, dug in and awaited further orders. Bn mission had been completed and awaited relief instructions.
13-19 April 45
Bn remained at Billmerich 13 April, B Co being officially relieved at 0100 13 April. At 2000 13 April route of march received from CCR to move to Heiningen (935895). Bn departed Billmerich 0845 14 April. Arrived Gr Geilenden (8407) 0930 15 April. B Co & Attached C Co 809th TD Bn were billeted in Brunschweig guarding vital civil and military installations. C Co located Broitgem, attached A Co 80th Tk Bn in Timmerlah. On 17 April remainder of Bn moved to Brunschweig where maintenance on vehicles and weapons were performed. At 2300 19 April, Bn CO was called to CCR for movement instructions.
20 April 45
Bn departed Brunschweig at 0800 en route to Athenstedt. Arrived Apenstedt, Germany 1015. A, B & C Co's located in Athenstedt. Bn remained on the alert for possible movement to assist CCB in their operation in the vicinity of Blankenberg. At 1730 Bn received orders from CCR to move immediately to Westerhousen, attached to CCB. Bn closed into Blankenberg at 2330 with plans to clean out woods north of the city on the morning of 21 April.
21 April 45
Assembled Company Commanders at 0645 for coordination of plans for attack. Companies departed dismounted at 0730, A on left, C on right, B Co following in reserve. Mission was to clear the woods and contact the 1st Inf Div driving from the north. Companies jumped off at 0815 B Co being committed on C Co's' right. Companies pushed through woods with no enemy opposition, and captured several enemy troops. At 1053 contact was made with the 1st Inf Div completing our mission. Bn was relieved of attachment to CCB and returned to Apenstedt under CCR command.
22 April 45
Received instructions from CCR at 0100 to move to Seesen, Germany. Company Commanders were assembled at 0830, verbal instructions issued and Bn departed Apenstedt at 0930. Arrived Seesen, Germany at 1300 with orders to occupy and govern town of Seesen and surrounding towns. Called for Company Commanders at 1900 and orders issued and sectors assigned for screening and patrolling.
23-30 April 45
During this period Bn remained in Seesen and vicinity. Companies screened the entire area, capturing large numbers of enemy troops and equipment. All civil and military installations that were deemed necessary were guarded 24 hours a day. Fixed posts were established at all edges of towns to prevent civilians from passing from town to town without authorization, All roads were patrolled 24 hours per day.