Paragraph I - Supply:
1 April to 4 April inclusive, Administrative Order #45, 8th Armored Division.
5 April to 14 April inclusive, Change 1 to Administrative Order #5, 8th Armored Division.
15 April to 20 April inclusive, Administrative Order #6, 8th Armored Division.
21 April to 25 April inclusive, Change 1 to Administrative Order #6, 8th Armored Division.
26 April to 30 April inclusive, Change 2 to Administrative Order #6, 8th Armored Division.
There were no discrepancies in Class I, IV and V Supplies.
In Class II essential clothing was not available.
In Class III there were difficulties in getting S.A.E. 30 motor oil.
Paragraph II - Transportation:
Transportation facilities were adequate to meet our needs.
Paragraph III - Evacuation:
At Lippstadt, Germany on 3 April, "C" Company of this Battalion had one (1) Half Track knocked out by enemy fire and was turned over to 130th Ordnance for Salvage.
At Stirpe, Germany 4 April, "C" Company of this Battalion lost four (4) Half Tracks due to enemy fire. Two were turned in to 130th Ordnance and two were repaired by our Battalion Maintenance.
At Vollinghausen, Germany on 5 April "A" Company of this Battalion, then attached to 80th Tank Battalion, had one (1) Half Track knocked by enemy fire which was turned over to 130th Ordnance for Salvage.
At Vollinghausen, Germany on 7 April, "C" Company of this Battalion had one (1) Half Track and one (1) Cargo Trailer burned by enemy fire. They also had one (1) Half Track hit which was repaired by our Battalion Maintenance. Headquarters Company of this Battalion had three (3) Half Tracks knocked out by enemy fire. Two were repaired by our Battalion Maintenance and the other caught fire and was a total loss. 'C' Company, 53rd Engineers attached, had one (1) Half Track knocked out and evacuated by the 53rd Engineers.
At Schluckingen, Germany on 9 April, "B" Company of this Battalion had five (5) Half Tracks knocked out by enemy fire. Four were evacuated by our Battalion Maintenance, three of which were repaired and one turned in to 130th Ordnance for salvage. One caught fire and was a total loss. Headquarters Company of this Battalion had onr (1) Trailer, M10 knocked out and the coordinate was reported to 130th Ordnance. "C" Company of the 53rd Engineers, attached, had one (1) Truck, 1/4 ton knocked out and evacuated by the 53rd Engineers Maintenance. "A" Company, 80th Tank Battalion, attached, had one (1) Medium Tank knocked out and evacuated by 80th Tank Battalion Maintenance.
At Wiehagen, Germany on 10 April, "B" Company of this Battalion had two (2) Trucks, 1/4 Ton hit by enemy fire and repaired by our Battalion Maintenance.
At Billmerich, Germany on 12 April, Headquarters Company of this Battalion had one (1) Truck, 1.4 Ton hit by enemy fire and evacuated by our Battalion Maintenance.
On dates not mentioned above no vehicles losses were suffered by this Battalion.
The men killed in action were evacuated by the Graves Registration Officer.
Paragraph IV - Road and Circulation:
Does not apply.
Paragraph V - Salvage and Captured Material:
The Battalion Salvage team salvaged the following weapons which were turned over to Ordnance:
52 Rifles, Cal. 30, M1; 5 Launchers, Rocket, M9A1; 3 Guns, Machine, Cal. 30, 1919A4; 2 81MM Mortars; 1 Mortar 60MM.
Considerable clothing and equipment was salvaged from battle casualties and turned over to Quartermaster.
Two (2) U.S. Army vehicles were recaptured from the enemy and are now in use in this Battalion. One Tractor Truck, 4 to 5 Ton and Trailer and one Truck, 1.4 Ton. These vehicles were put in running order by our own Battalion Maintenance.
Two truck loads of small arms and ammunition were turned over to S-4, CCR, 8th Armored Division for proper disposition.